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Delta’s new Big-8 XL target is the first poured-foam target to utilize an 8-sided “asymmetric hexagon” design. The 20” Big 8 XL provides a larger shooting area versus conventional square target designs.

The Big-8 XL utilizes a new premium competition-grade “self-healing” foam, developed in conjunction with the ASA Pro 3D competition circuit. This innovative foam withstands heavy tournament use, lasting up to 8X longer life, while maintaining a low pull force for easy arrow extraction.

The Big-8 XL is both field point and broadhead compatible and is speed rated for all high-performance bows and crossbows. True to its name, Big-8 features: eight shooting faces, with plenty of green and white shooting spots to ensure easy target acquisition regardless of pin color. Also includes a sight-in grid, integrated carry handles, and the 20-inch adds a replaceable core to extend the life of your target



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